Marymount’s Take on New York Times Games

By: Mia Capasso, Staff Writer

Hello Marymount Students! Do you like New York Times Games? If you are one of the many students here at MMT who love NYT Games, then this article is the one for you. NYT Games have captivated students like us for nearly a century. From the launch of “The Crossword” in 1942 to the rest of the logic games we know and love today (Wordle, Spelling Bee, Letter Boxed, etc.), NYT has caused “healthy” addictions to its games for ages. Whether you’ve accidentally sent your scores to other people or have raged on your MacBook when your Wordle is incorrect, we all have had personal experiences with these games. 

So what’s the fan favorite game here? Well, our students have had a lot to say. When the seniors were asked what their favorite games were, they were unanimous: “Connections is the best game hands down.” Like the seniors, the juniors were one opinionated group with a vote split between Vertex and Sudoku. On the other hand, the sophomores agreed that Wordle was the obvious choice as winner. Last but not least, the freshman agreed with the seniors and put Connections on top. However, from the many debates that have gone down within the walls of this building, there is one clear winning game above all:

Forms response chart. Question title: What is your favorite NYT Game?. Number of responses: 111 responses.

With a massive lead, Connections dominates as the fan favorite this year. Happy game playing everyone!